Prayer booklet
Prayers (in French) said daily at Haute Butte : Prayer Bookletères
Prayer given by Jesus to Madeleine Aumont
(in the 10th apparition of September 7, 1973and completed in the 28th of March 28, 1975)
Jesus of Nazareth has triumphed over death, His reign is Eternal, He is coming to conquer the world and time.(added by Jesus in the 28th apparition 1975)
Pity my God for those who blaspheme you, forgive them, they know not what they do.
Pity my God for the scandal of the world, deliver them from the spirit of Satan.
Have mercy, my God, on those who, today even more than yesterday, persecute You. Pour into human hearts Your Mercy (added by Jesus in the 28th apparition 1975)
Pity my God for those who flee from you, give them a taste of the Holy Eucharist.
Mercy, my God, for those who come to repent at the foot of the Glorious Cross,
May they find peace and joy in God our Savior.
Have mercy, my God, so that Your Kingdom may come, but save them, there is still time-
For the time is near and behold, I am coming.
Amen. Come Lord Jesus. (10th apparition 1973)
Requote 1 ten rosary beads (1 Pater and 10 Ave Maria)
then end with :
Lord, spread the treasures of Your Infinite Mercy over the whole world.ricorde.
Jesus: ... "You are My friends if you do what I command you."
" I promise the souls who go to repent at the foot of the Glorious Cross and say every day the prayer I have taught them, that in this life, Satan will no longer have power over them, and that for a whole time of defilement, in an instant, they will become pure and will be sons of God for eternity. My Father, whose Goodness is infinite, wants to save humanity, which is on the brink of the abyss. By this ultimate Message, you must prepare yourselves.".
Novena dictated by Jesus to Magdalene
(36th to 44th appearance)
"Would you be so kind as to come here for eight days at a time.
You will say a novena that I will dictate to you every day.
My Father, whose Goodness is Infinite, wants the world to know His Message to avoid catastrophe. More than ever, I want to pour out a flood of My Grace to all these souls in distress.
And this is what I promise to each of these souls when they know My Message, and put it into practice":
Day 1:
"I will sweeten the bitterness into which the soul of sinners plunges."
- "Our Father..." and "Hail Mary..." (three times)
- "By Your painful Passion, Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Glory to God in the Highest Heaven. Peace and Joy on earth to the men He loves."
- "Make the Sign of the Cross."
Day 2:
"I will multiply the souls of priests and nuns with graces, for it is through them that My Message must be made known."
- "Our Father..." and Hail Mary..." (three times)
- "By Your painful Passion, Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Glory to God in the Highest Heaven. Peace and Joy on earth to the men He loves."
- "Make the Sign of the Cross."
Day 3:
"I will keep close to My Heart the pious and faithful souls; they comforted Me on the way to Calvary."
- "Our Father..." and "Hail Mary..." (three times)
- "By Your painful Passion, Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Glory to God in the Highest Heaven. Peace and Joy on earth to the men He loves."
- "Make the Sign of the Cross."
Day 4
"I will pour out rays of My Grace, the moment they know My Message, to the pagans and to all those who do not yet know Me."
- "Our Father...," and "Hail Mary..." (three times)
- "By Your painful Passion, Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Glory to God in the Highest Heaven. Peace and Joy on earth to the men He loves."
- "Make the Sign of the Cross."
Day 5
"I will draw the souls of heretics and apostates back to the Unity of the Church."
- "Our Father..." and "Hail Mary...". (three times)".
- Through Your painful Passion, Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Glory to God in the Highest. Peace and Joy on earth to the men He loves."
- "Make the Sign of the Cross."
Day 6
"I will receive into the abode of My Heart children and humble souls, so that they may keep a special affection for Our Father in Heaven."
- "Our Father..." and "Hail Mary..." (three times)
- "By Your painful Passion, Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Glory to God in the Highest Heaven. Peace and Joy on earth to the men He loves."
- "Make the Sign of the Cross."
Day 7
"I will grant graces of every kind to those who, knowing My Message, persevere to the End."
- "Our Father..." and "Hail Mary..." (three times)
- "By Your painful Passion, Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Glory to God in the Highest Heaven. Peace and Joy on earth to the men He loves."
- "Make the Sign of the Cross."
Day 8
"I will relieve the souls in Purgatory, My Blood will extinguish their burns."
- "Our Father ..."
- "Hail Mary..." (three times)
- "By Your painful Passion, Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Glory to God in the Highest Heaven. Peace and Joy on earth to the men He loves."
- "Make the Sign of the Cross."
Day 9
"I will warm the most hardened hearts, the icy souls, those who wound My Heart most deeply."
- "Our Father..." and "Hail Mary..." (three times)
- "By Your painful Passion, Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Glory to God in the Highest Heaven. Peace and Joy on earth to the men He loves."
"Say this out loud: (Madeleine repeats after Him each sentence.)
" I promise the souls who go to repent at the foot of the Glorious Cross and say the prayer I've taught them every day, that in this life Satan will no longer have power over them, and that for a whole time of defilement, in an instant they will become pure and sons of God for eternity. My Father, whose Goodness is Infinite, wants to save humanity, which is on the brink of the abyss. By this ultimate Message, you must prepare yourselves."
"Make the Sign of the Cross."