Daily prayer takes place at the foot of the Cross, in all weathers, at 2.30pm and 2pm on the first Friday of the month.
Last minute:
For the Feast of Families on Sunday, December 29, 2024, 2 busloads of pilgrims came from Paris to pray on the Haute Butte, at the foot of the Glorious Cross.
A few important steps
Pilgrimages 2024: held on March 28 - September 14 - November 24
Since October 12, 2024, Paroisse de la côte fleurie,Father Laurent Lair, Father Jean-Parfait Cakpo and Father Delphin Ratsiadino welcome you in the joy of the Lord and invite you to discover all that our beautiful parish has to offer. (extract from the website: https://saintsauveurdelacotefleurie.fr/)
Since autumn 2023, the new parish of "Saint Sauveur de la côte fleurie" has grouped together the parishes of Cabourg, Ranville, Dozulé, Dives-sur-mer, Houlgate, Villers-sur-mer and the surrounding communes.
Since April 2022, the site has been permanently open for prayer, but following the request of the Curé de Dozulé, on April 19 the reception chalet was demolished by deacon Laurent and 2 helpers, in the presence of the Curé, and on April 23 the prayer chalet was dismantled to avoid its demolition.
On March 28, 2022, the 50th anniversary pilgrimage of the apparition of the Glorious Cross took place at the "Haute Butte" in Dozulé. Despite the closure of the Dozulé church, many pilgrims made their way to the "Haute Butte".
2021 - Bishop Jacques Habert of the diocese of Bayeux-Lisieux took office on Sunday, January 10, 2021, during an installation mass at Bayeux Cathedral.
On Tuesday, November 10, 2020, Pope Francis appointed Bishop Jacques Habert of the diocese of Bayeux-Lisieux.
Bishop Habert, 60, was previously bishop of the diocese of Séez in Orne.
2019 - parish information: Our Sainte Trinité des Monts parish in Dozulé, welcomed its new Curé Father Jérôme ROGER in October. "Mgr Boulanger, évêque du Calvados, diocèse Bayeux-Lisieux, installes le père Jérôme Roger, curé des paroisses Notre-Dame-des-Fleurs, Sainte-Trinité-des-Monts et Saint-Sauveur-de-la-Mer au cours de la messe du dimanche 13 octobre 2019" (Journal Ouest France infolocale).
Year 2020
Covid 19 Since June 2, 2020 , the Croix Glorieuse site has been open at the usual times, but with restrictions to comply with government health regulations (distance restrictions, masks recommended for groups, etc.).
The pilgrimage on March 28 and 29, 2020, did not take place, but over a hundred well-known people from all over the country were able to pray at 3 p.m. in association with M.H., who represented us at La Butte.
The site was closed during the spring confinement and reopened in May 2020, so the March 28 pilgrimage did not take place. The September 14 pilgrimage for the Feast of the Glorious Cross took place, while the November 22 pilgrimage for the Feast of Christ the King did not take place due to confinement. (see pilgrimages tab)
Year 2019
The Haute Butte site is now owned by the Association Diocésaine de Bayeux Lisieux.
Year 2016
January 2016 Death of Madeleine Aumont
Year 2013
Appearance of the face of the Holy Face on the Cross
Year 2011
2011 Mission given to a parishioner to welcome pilgrims to Haute Butte.
Year 2010
2010 Death of Mrs Avoyne
1993 Creation of an Association by Mme Avoyne to spread the message and maintain the site to welcome pilgrims.
1981 From Pentecost onwards, Mr and Mrs Avoyne provide daily prayer on the Haute Butte, with the permanent help of a few people who follow in the footsteps of the Avoyne couple.